Κarpea Extra Virgin Olive Oil was given the 1st place by the consumers of Czech Republic, in a national competition that took place in the end of March 2016. The following lines of Greek Extra Virgin Olive Oil were first in preference, of the 4000 Czech consumers who participated in the competition, in “New Olive Oils 2016” category:
Karpea Classic Extra Virgin Olive Oil 500ml
Karpea 0,3 Extra Virgin Olive Oil 500ml
Karpea Kalamata PDO Extra Virgin Olive oil 500ml
Karpea Sitia Lasithiou Kritis PDO Extra Virgin Olive oil 500ml
Karpea Chania Kritis P.G.I. Extra Virgin Olive oil 500ml
Karpea Lakonia PGI Extra Virgin Olive oil 500ml
“Volba spotrebitelu 2016” competition (meaning “Consumers’ choice”) was run by AtoZ organization and the focus group of the 4000 Czech consumers was independent of gender, age & place of residence.
Karpea is proud of this distinction that brings Greek Extra Virgin Olive Oil first among all other competitive products.